Mirrors: Cailynne Graham, Natural Resource Enhancement, Management and Conservationist
The AdaMarie Mirrors reflect back to us the many roads (often winding, never smooth) to success! Real stories of real women to see yourself reflected in. At first, you’ll see Cailynne in this mirror, but eventually, we hope you’ll see yourself.
Welcome, Caliynne Graham!
Conservationist Cailynne Graham explains how she nurtures her passion for conservation by transforming challenges into lessons and making a positive impact on our planet's future.
Getting to Know You:
Field of Work: Natural Resources
Major/Minor: Marine Biology and Botany Major
Expertise In: Natural Resource Enhancement and Management, Watershed Restoration and Conservation
One-liner about what you’re working on: I'm currently studying Marine Biology and Botany, and building my career in Natural Resource Management and Watershed Restoration. I'm currently a part of the Soil and Water Conservation Society Emerging Leaders 2023-2024 inaugural class which will further enhance my knowledge and understanding of conservation and natural resources management.
Currently geeking out over: Symbiosis! I love the thought of little living things thriving off one another. My favorites are Lichens!
STEM hero (alive or dead!): Dian Fossey
Tell us about your professional journey – how did you get where you are now?
I started off in the Conservation Corps, working on trail and spike crews. My love for the outdoors grew drastically, prompting me to fully embrace this passion. I started volunteering as much as I could with local agencies and actively engaging with the community. I started working in local natural resource jobs that not only provided income in a profession I love but also challenged and taught me new skills. I’m now focused on building my education and career expertise, studying Marine Biology and Botany with the hope of advancing further in these fields in the future. Outreach and networking have been blessings during this time, opening up my professional life to various organizations involved in Conservation and Watershed Restoration.
We’re also curious to know your personal story and upbringing. What has made you “you”?
Life has granted me the opportunity to face many different challenges and experiences in my lifetime. Some have been personal and life-altering, yet all have taught me valuable lessons and provided strength and encouragement for my journey. I thrive on keeping my goals ahead of me, my family close to me, and my mistakes behind me. Every day presents challenges to my character, strength, and passions, but I know I must persevere to continue making the world a better place, to have an impact, and to preserve the planet we live on.
We know that real life isn’t a smooth and linear journey. What was your initiating moment that led you to your calling - can you tell us about that moment, what helped you move forward, what you learned/discovered?
The moment that initiated my calling was during a volunteer event, kayaking through the estuary doing fish identification and sampling. It was my first time surrounded by people this intelligent, and I was shaking in my boots!
I was so terrified about messing up or embarrassing myself, but somewhere in the tide, I found the courage to get right on and give it a try. I asked questions, expressed my nervousness, but VERY MUCH EXCITEDNESS! I tried, failed, tried again, got it right , tried again, failed, tried again, succeeded!
It was a rollercoaster of a day, and by the end, I was mentally and physically drained. As I washed off all the muck that night, one thing was certain—I wanted to do the same things tomorrow and every day after!
You’re a working woman in a performance-driven industry. Where do you find balance?
As I'm still pretty early in my career, I have not yet found balance. I'm still learning quite a bit from my mentors and specialists around me.
If you were a scientific process or phenomenon, what would you be?
If I were a scientific phenomenon I think I'd be bioluminescence. I've always thrived and felt at ease during the night. Coming alive one might say. I feel I’m able to shine through the dark places.
How can we continue to follow you on your career journey?
I have a public Instagram, @cailynne_graham! Follow along!